W ho I am is not important, just call me DARK CITY_beta
It is important that I have done and intend to do.
This page is about my life - and the fact that I have created.
Life is a battle, and everyone should be asking yourself -
For what you live? For what you fighting? We must be ready to answer.
Then it is not scary is that after.Tertiary heading.
06.01.2025 Hello everyone!
I'm so glad to see you again, my friends. I've updated my page dedicated to my favorite music,
"USER MUSIC SETUP". I've added my Metal radio and another favorite online station.
Do you listen to online radio? Or has the era of online radio faded away along with the Winamp player? 😊
If you do, share your favorite radio stations—I’d love to give them a listen.
Feel free to leave your responses in THE GUESTBOOK.
I'll be happy to read them! 🎶✨
21.04.2024 Well guys - cyberpunk has arrived? Outside is a combination of poverty and high technology.
22.02.2022 Hello. I want to start creating a list of good books, but haven't figured out how to catalog them yet. If you have any ideas write in the guest book
03.06.2021 im add some favorite filmes - [check this categories and joy] xD
28.02.2021 Hello world. Im still a live xD
24.07.2019 I did a lot for the development of radio - but there are still a lot. You can watch my website and listen to music.
29.12.2018 Hello All - -im make some photo of my new art
26.06.2018 New ARTs add. Just push button [USER ART WORKS]
30.12.2017 Ends in 2017 - much has been done over the years - for example, a cool online radio station .
But much remains to be done.
Read this inscription and think about what you did this year.
24.08.2017 A lot of work with the
Everything has to be done from scratch itself.
Will soon be a new great radio update
I hope you like it.
27.03.2017 Start Open Beta testing began !!!
There are 2 streams 128 and 320 for listening to music
This is only the beginning!
08.03.2017 The work on creating a radio is coming to an end.The transfer of a web page design is time-consuming.Many functions are disabled and will be completed after the start
17.01.2017 Hello - i still a life xD. i hope at this year my online radio started . And u can listen good songs with me \m/
04.11.2016 Work on the online radio station is completed by 50% - do not have enough free time. I hope the site will be ready this year. =^.^=
30.08.2016 For a long time I was not online.Now I'm starting to work on the creation of online radio.
24.07.2016 New ARTs add evrey day. Just push button [USER ART WORKS] xD
21.07.2016 oky im just lazy ass and my "New cool desing" still coming soon... But i add my ART works xD
15.07.2016 Hi all- try to make new cool design - 3 stap at final - First i make old terminal border =^.^=
02.07.2016 Films collection total complete - but i have some retro movies .. but have"t time 4 at this moment- My next step Books
27.06.2016Hi dear noobs, now i added to the section guestbook 'USER FILMS & BOOKS'- this page with my collection films and Books ( comming soon )
24.06.2016Hello World,i added to the section guestbook 'THE GUESTBOOK'- now u can tell about this shity page xD
21.06.2016Today, added to the section music 'USER MUSIK SETUP'- multiple playlists - Enjoy
18.06.2016 hello everyone.To night i try to Understud do to make .gif on photoshop and fing some awesome web sayti easy make Crazy gif ))
im change button image .. it's not too easy - for first work
17.06.2016 Added icons sections, the main, the book \ movies, music, until he decided to put it here. As though they still fill the ...
16.06.2016Updates - Installed counter, connected first CSS, and create additional pages for Kontent - soon to be checked in.